Format HTB

Format HTB Walkthrough


In this walkthrough , I’m going to explain how I pwned this medium box . This is surely not a medium box (expected to be hard). So let’s start 🙂



In the Nmap scan we found that there are three ports open ( Port 22, 80 ,3000)

Adding IP

While visiting the IP we can see that we have to add app.microblog.htb to our /etc/hosts to access it locally .

Subdomain Enumeration

Found only 2 subdomains app & sunny . Add this both to our /etc/host file .

Now let’s visit the Site that we found .


Register New Account on app.microblog.htb to check all the functionality .

When we click on “Contribute Here !” we can see the source code of “app.microblog.htb“ .



While checking the functionality I saw that we can use id parameter for LFI .

For that first create a blog and go to edit blog

Now capture the request to add the h1/text

In this request , check the ID parameter………… can use LFI .

Getting Pro

On the Dashboard page and source code I saw something about pro . After few research I found the way to get pro .

Here is the resource for that :

We have to assign pro to our session using ssrf.

Using this below command we can assign ourself as pro user .

curl -X "HSET" http://microblog.htb/static/unix:%2fvar%2frun%2fredis%2fredis.sock:testy%20pro%20true%20a/b

Note* : If you have entered any other username while registering then make sure to change that username in the cmd …………. I have used testy as a username so I used testy .

Now we can also add image in the blog ……… I tried to get reverse shell but it was a rabbit hole , there was no image upload vulnerability . Rather due to pro , we can now have access to uploads directory .


//Use this to get upload reverse shell on the target && change your blog name.


After visiting the /uploads/rev.php we will get our reverse shell…….let’s see .

And Boom we got shell .


For user we have to connect to redis-cli using socks config file

// First Run this 
redis-cli -s /var/run/redis/redis.sock
keys *
//then we found user cooper.dooper
hgetall cooper.dooper

This above commands will get us user credentials

Now login with SSH cooper:zooperdoopercooper


Getting root on this machine is pretty confusing, below I will attach the resource 🙂

By using sudo -l , I found that we can run /usr/bin/license && this file is readable …………….I tried many things and found this

The format function is vulnerable

1. Register one user using redis-cli and use the above vulnerabity in username to print all variables .

HSET test2 username test1 password test first-name {license.__init__.__globals__} last-name test pro false

2. Now run /usr/bin/license as sudo to provision the license of our test2 user

sudo /usr/bin/license -p test2

3. This will print all the variable like this ……..

Now check for the secret key parameter in the output …………… you will find the password for root .

Now we got the ssh for root too 🙂 root:unCR4ckaBL3Pa$$w0rd

Then login as a root and grab the flag


According to me this is not really a medium box, Still loved this box . I will give rating of 9/10 as a medium box.

Thanks for reading the blog ……………. for any doubts you can comment down here 🙂

Jai Shree Krishna ❤️

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