Pilgrimage Walkthrough | Hackthebox
Today I will go through the easy level HTB machine 🙂

As usual two ports are open 22 & 80 .

Add pilgrimage.htb to /etc/hosts .
While using dirb I found .git directory which is forbidden, so I thought to use git-dumper to analyze the source code.

Here is the link for the git-dumper tool : https://github.com/arthaud/git-dumper
This is dump all the .git repository from the website 🙂

While analyzing the files I found two interesting things

Location of DB ????
and magick version

There is a simple web interface with file upload, login and register …..

After analyzing I found that there is CVE related to majick version .
Clone this repo and run this exploit
python3 CVE-2022-44268.py --image imagetopoison.png --file-to-read /etc/passwd --output poisoned.png
And it worked perfectly fine.
Now upload the poisoned image.
Image uploaded successfully. Now copy the uploaded image url

Finally it worked. Now we have to read /var/db/pilgrimage that we found in our source code.
We have to make changes in script .

You will get this type of output

Just put it in a file .

After that
cat dump.sql| xxd -r -p - > sqlite.dump
Now analyze it with sqlite3 cmdline

You will get ssh pass for emily.

SSH Pass
After running pspy I found

After analyzing the .sh script I checked the binwalk version

And it was vulnerable to CVE-2022-4510

After this you will get binwalk_exploit.png ………. copy it to /var/www/pilgrimage.htb/shrunk dir
And don’t forget to start a listener 🙂
And Boom you will get the shell as root .

This was very easy machine.
Hope you enjoyed the writeup.
Overall this is a good machine . I would like to rate 5/10 compared to easy level.
Jai Shree Krishna ❤️