
Leviathan Over the wire Level 0 – 7 Walkthrough


In this post you will learn how to CTF Leviathan level 0 to 7 from overthewire.org, To visit the official overthewire.org [click here]

According to me this is an easy CTF challenge and there are level from 0 to 7 and the platform we are going to attack is Linux x86.

Thanks to the Author Anders Tonfeldt who created the Leviathan CTF challenge.



Level 0

Initially to connect to Leviathan just enter this command and enter the mentioned password to get connected.

ssh leviathan0@leviathan.labs.overthewire.org -p 2223

Password: Leviathan0

Level 0 – 1

For level 0 to 1 intentionally there is no information, So let’s do a ls and find for any directories.

ls -la (The directories are hidden ????)
cd .backup
ls -la
grep leviathan1 bookmarks.html

Password for next level is rioGegei8m

Level 1 – 2

To connect to next level just enter the below command and the previously found password

ssh leviathan1@localhost password: rioGegei8m
ls -la

To find the binary codes let’s run ltrace

ltrace ./check

Looking at the output, we can see that the program is using strcmp, which is a C library function that compares two strings against one another. In this executable, it’s comparing the password input against the word “sex”. Let’s see if “sex” will work.

cat /etc/leviathan_pass/leviathan2

Password for next level is: ougahZi8Ta

Level 2 – 3

To connect to next level just enter the below command and the previously found password

ssh leviathan2@localhost password: oughtZi8Ta
ls -la
mkdir /tmp/jhalon && touch /tmp/jhalon/test.txt
cd /tmp/jhalon
ltrace ~/printfile test.txt
touch pass\ file.txt
ltrace ~/printfile "pass file.txt"
ln -s /etc/leviathan_pass/leviathan3 /tmp/jhalon/pass
ls -la
~/printfile "pass file.txt"

password for next level: Ahdiemoo1j


Level 3 -4

To connect to next level just enter the below command and the previously found password

ssh leviathan3@localhost password: Ahdiemoolj
ls -la
ltrace ./level3
cat /etc/leviathan_pass/leviathan4

password: vuH0coox6m

Level 4 – 5

ls -la
cd .trash
ls -la

Interesting… it’s a Binary Output. Let’s go online, and use a Binary to ASCII converter. I used RapidTables to do my conversion. After converting the Binary, we get the password Tith4cokei.

Password for next level: Tith4cokei

leviathan level 4 to 5

Level 5 -6

To connect to next level just enter the below command and the previously found password

ssh leviathan5@localhost password: Tith4cokei
ls -la
ltrace ./leviathan5
ln -s /etc/leviathan_pass/leviathan6 /tmp/file.log

Password for next level: UgaoFee4li

Level 6 – 7

To connect to next level just enter the below command and the previously found password

ssh leviathan6@localhost password: ugaoFee4li

ls -lah
./leviathan6 1234
for i in {0000..9999}; do echo $i; ./leviathan6 $i; done
The leviathan level 6 to 7

The password correct is 7123. With the right 4 digits the executable launch a shell as a leviathan7 user; let’s hust read the password file.

cat /etc/leviathan_pass/leviathan7

password for next level: ahy7MaeBo9

Level 7

la -la
leviathan level 7


Also Read: Bandit full walkthrough from level 0 to 33

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