

Verify | Pico CTF 2024

Verify Picocft 2024

Introduction Topic – Forensics | | | 50 points This challenge requires combining various skills such as grep, googling, and executing a script. In this post, I will share my thought process and the steps I took to solve the…

RustScan Full Tutorial | Updated 2024

Rustscan Network Mapping

Introduction In the world of cybersecurity, network scanning tools are essential for uncovering vulnerabilities and gaining insights into systems. Among these tools, Rustscan has emerged as a standout performer, rapidly gaining popularity among penetration testers and security professionals. But what…

Evilcups Writeup | HTB


Introduction In this walkthrough, I’ll explain how I successfully rooted the machine by exploiting the recently published EvilCUPS vulnerabilities (CVE-2024–47176, CVE-2024–47076, CVE-2024–47175, and CVE-2024–47177). After obtaining a reverse shell, I discovered a print job containing the root password, leading to…

Reel HTB Walkthrough | HacktheBox


Introduction Reel is another Active Directory box on HTB. Without much information about Reel, let’s go in blind and see if it’s possible to obtain Administrator access. There are no guided questions for Reel. Let’s Begin Hey you ❤️ Please…

Localhost vs. Understanding the Basics

What is Local Host

Introduction If you’re into web development or tech, you’ve probably encountered terms like localhost and But have you ever stopped to think about their roles in local development? This guide will break down these concepts, making them easy to…