Searchsploit: Full tutorial for noobies, become a pro


In this post, you will learn what is searchsploit and how does it work and also you will be learning the commands, by end of this post you will be a pro in using this tool. And below is the video format of the post. Check it ????


What is searchsploit

Searchsploit is a tool available for Linux, mac, win. Using this tool we can gather the CVE exploits from the exploit-db and this is a very much popular tool if you are in redteam and I personally every day I use this amazing tool ????

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Who developed the searchsploit tool

The tool was said that created by these guys, yes it is from the exploit-db, where all the CVE are available, maybe mostly

To install the exploit db in Linux enter this command

sudo apt update && sudo apt -y install exploitdb

Installing searchsploit in mac

brew update && brew install exploitdb

Useful commands in searchsploit

  • -c, –case Perform a case-sensitive search
  • -e, –exact Perform an EXACT & order match on exploit title
  • -s, –strict Perform a strict search
  • -t, –title Search JUST the exploit title
  • -j, –json Show result in JSON format
  • -v, –verbose Display more information in the output


How to use the searchsploit tool ❓

Just follow the below example and I am sure that by end of this post you will be pro-working in this searchsploit tool.


Basic search in searchsploit, just enters the target exploit you wanna enter

searchsploit samba 2.2


Searching for the only title exploit

searchsploit -t redhat


Exclude a specific result

searchsploit redhat --exclude="(PoC)|/dos/"
exclude a result



Let’s enter -p in this command so, we can find the particular exploit path

searchsploit -p 399
port scan


Doing a strict scan

searchsploit -s samba 2.2

Searchsploit conclusion

Hey finally you are at summary, I hope you read the blog post fully. According to my knowledge, this is an awesome tool and everyone needs to work with it. Just go and give try and signing off your moulik


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