What is Rootkit? How Rootkit works and their types


In this post, you will learn what is a Rootkit and its mechanism, and you will also learn some of its types. In addition, I will say some best measures to prevent this Root kit malware.

What is a Rootkit?

Rootkit is a typical malicious software created by cybercriminals to harm a device OS. You may come across Virus, ransomware malware, but these rootkit malware are very dangerous.

Some root kit is designed to harm your hardware modules and firmware. Once the root kit enters your device it is really very hard to detect and sometimes the root kit may hide on the kernel. Where the kernel controls the whole system and this makes it cyber analysts very hard to find and detect this malware.

There are four reasons why cybercriminals use rootkits;

  1. Infect device with malware
  2. Initiate DDoS attack
  3. Disable your Anti-malware software
  4. Take over your device controls

The main reason is to take over your computer controls.

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How Rootkit works exactly

Once the Root kit enters your device it keeps on changing your account permission and securities. While keep on changing the security algorithm it is really very tough to recover the device. And this process is called a modification. And in addition, the cybercriminals add another method called the Clandestine method.

You very well know rootkits is not a Virus malware to double itself so, they also attach this Clandestine method while doing a cyberattack. This method will double the rootkits.

How rootkit works - explained

This Clandestine method is responsible for keep on changing your account permission and securities. In addition, this method also spread the rootkit malware to connected devices.

From the above image, you could clearly understand the main target of this malware is to attack the Kernel once it is done the cybercriminal can access the full device.

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Types of Rootkits

There are five different types of rootkits;

  1. Kernel mode root kit
  2. Hardware or firmware root kit
  3. Application root kit
  4. Memory root kit
  5. Bootloader root kit

Kernel Rootkit – This is one of the dangerous rootkit threats. These kernel rootkits specifically attack OS (operating system), the attack will be at the level of kernel too so, we call this a kernel rootkit. Once the criminals enter into kernel-level they may change your OS functions and put their own codes.

Hardware or Firmware Rootkit – This type of rootkits specifically attacks hardware and firmware or the BIOS, Which is a system software installed in your chip. Cybercriminals use this method because it is untraceable, once the rootkit enters your hardware the cybercriminal easily access all your keystrokes and this method is generally used for monitoring.

Application Rootkit – This type of rootkit attacks your Applications like word, paint or notepad. This type of rootkit is untraceable, Every time you run an infected program you will give access to the cybercriminal and only if you run the Application the cybercriminal can seek you. This type of rootkit method is mostly foundable, but it is hard to detect.

Memory Rootkit – Memory rootkits target and attack system RAM (random access memory), sometimes the system RAM will be very slow and once you reboot your system mostly this method of rootkit will be disabled.

Bootloader Rootkit – This bootloader is responsible for turning on your OS (operating system) once you switch on your device. When a rootkit targets and attacks this system then it is called Bootloader and the cybercriminal may change bootloader.

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Prevention from Rootkits

Follow the five points, I mention below, and these are some promising methods to prevent from rootkits.

  1. Keep your OS (operating system) up to date. You may use windows, Linux and my suggestion is do it as soon as possible.
  2. Use an Anti-malware security.
  3. Don’t click on unwanted links and don’t download any application from an untrusted site. Download any software from the official site or trusted sites.
  4. Don’t open spam files section, Because there is lots of possibility to get a phishing attack.
  5. Don’t check inbox from an unknown person.

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