
hash-identifier full tutorial | updated 2024


In this post, You will learn what is hash-identifier and also we will see how to find different hash types using this tool.

What is hash-identifier ❓

Hash-identifier is Software to identify the different types of hashes used to encrypt data and especially passwords.

Personally while playing CTF to identify hash I use hash-identifier. This is a very basic tool and there are many advanced tools than this.


If you are a beginner then you can start with hash-identifier.

Who developed hash-identifier

The tool was developed by Zion3R from blackploit and the tool is written in python and below is the author’s site and Github page.

How to use hash-identifier

It’s really very easy to use a hash-identifier just enter the hash-identifier on your terminal and paste the type of hash.

Now let’s paste a sha-1 hash and see what we get and once you paste the hash just press enter to view the possible hash types.



I will be pasting the above sha-1 hash

As soon as we enter the hash we can see the possible hash type and least possible hash types.

Also Read: Password cracking using medusa

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