SMBMap full tutorial from noob to pro | updated 2024


In this post, You will learn what is SMBMap and how to use the tool and below is the video format of the post, Check it out ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ


What is SMBMap โ“

SMBMap is a “samba enumerating tool“. This tool is used for information gathering and also used after exploitation for post enumeration.

SMBMap allows users to enumerate samba share drives across an entire domain. 

The tool can find information such as list share drives, drive permissions, share contents, upload/download functionality, file name auto-download pattern matching, and even execute remote commands.

To download or visit the author page visit:


How to download SMBMap

To download the tool just enter,

sudo apt-get install smbmap 

How to use SMBMap

It is very easy to use smbmap tool and just follow the below examples and I am by end of the post, You will be familiar with using this tool.

Example1, Default scan

To do a default scan we just enter the target IP like this ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ

smbmap -H

We can see /tmp is having read-write access in the next example let’s see how to find the path of /tmp

Example2, Enumerating a particular directory

Now, let’s enumerate /tmp directory

smbmap -H -r tmp

-H: Target IP

-r: Path


Example3, Post enumeration

I have mentioned at the beginning this tool is used in two positions one at the information gathering part and the other at is the post-exploitation part.

Example 1 and 2 are used before exploitation, That is at the information gathering part.

The post enumeration on samba command will be ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿพ

smbmap -H -u msfadmin -p msfadmin

-H: target IP address

-u: Username

-p: Password



The SMBMap tool is an amazing tool to enumerate samba versions and you can find the read-write file format.

This tool is mostly helped after exploitation, Also the tool was helpful at information gathering.

Some alternatives for SMBMap are SMBClient, enum4linux.


Also Read: Information gathering using shodan

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