
In this post, Let’s learn about Logs ????, Hope you have learnt about the mounting and the un mounting. Below is the video format of the check it out ????????

Video ????

Let’s start ????

If you have any doubts you can watch the video above or you can ask questions in Discord I have given my Twitter profile link so you can ask there. ????????

Rsyslog Locate and Configure

To locate the rsyslog we can use the locate utility and configure. In kali the rsyslog is locate in the below directory…


There are thre category in rsyslog they are;

  • Modules
  • Global Directives
  • Rules

Just read the comments you can do the configurations by yourself…

Automatically cleaning up logs

We can clean the logs automatically by configuring the logrotate.conf You can go to the below directory to see how to configure.


Deleting files without getting caught

The shred command is a utility available in Linux and Unix-like operating systems that securely deletes files by overwriting their contents before removing them. It is commonly used when you want to ensure that the deleted files cannot be easily recovered.

shred <file>
shred here.txt

Disabling logging

To disable logs we can just use the below command that is ????????

service rsyslog stop


In this post, You have learned about the basic use of logs hope it helped you see you in the next post ????????❤️


Posted by:moulik