
In this post, You will learn what is ophcrack and also by end of the post you will learn how to crack the password using ophcrack.

Below is the video format of the post, Check it out 👇🏾


What is ophcrack ❓

Ophcrack is a password buster for Windows that uses rainbow tables and a time-memory trade-off to crack passwords.

This variant of Hellman’s original trade-off performs better. It recovers 99.9% of alphanumeric passwords in seconds.


Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 are all supported.

This package includes ophcrack with a QT4-based graphical user interface. It’s worth noting that it can also be run from the command prompt.

Cracking passwords using ophcrack

Just follow the below steps and Iam sure that by end of the post, You will be familiar using the ophcrack tool.

For beginners Ophcrack is going to be little difficult but don’t worry watch the video I made on ophcrack.

Step1, Interface

The GUI interface of ophcrack looks like this


When you click load you get four option they are


  1. single hash
  2. PWDUMP file
  3. Session file
  4. Encrypted SAM

Step2, Single hash Cracking

To crack single hash just click load > single hash and now you will see something like this


The format for single hash is <LM hash> or <LM hash> : <NT hash> or <User Name>:<User ID>:<LMHASH>:<NTHASH>:::

Which looks something like this pass::B267DF22CB945E3EAAD3B435B51404EE:36AA83BDCAB3C9FDAF321CA42A31C3FC:::

Generate your own NTLM hash from here LM/NTLM Hash Generator – TobTu

I will just paste the above hash value in ophcrack and let’s see if it cracks


Click ok

Step3, Cracking

Now, Click on the hash you wanna crack and click crack



Ophcrack is best for offline cracking and best for cracking NTLM hash and just try ophcrack, Have any doubt comment down below.


Also Read: Password cracking using John the ripper

Also Read: THC-hydra full tutorial from scratch

Posted by:moulik