

Surveillance HTB Write-up | HackTheBox

Surveillance HTB

Introduction Surveillance HTB: In this post, Let’s see how to CTF the Surveillance htb and if you have any doubts comment down below 👇🏾 Let’s Begin Hey you ❤️ Please check out my other posts, You will be amazed and…

Stonks – picoCTF

stonks picoCTF

Introduction Hello there, Welcome back in this post, let’s see how to CTF stonks from picoCTF. If you have any doubt, comment down below 👇🏾 I wanted to do something unique, so I built a bot that uses AI and…

picoCTF – Nice Netcat

nicenetcat picoCTF

Introduction Question: There is a nice program that you can talk to by using this command in a shell: $ nc 49039, but it doesn’t speak English… Overview and Solving Hey there! So, there’s this neat program you can chat…

picoCTF – information

information picoCTF

Introduction PicoCTF’s Information challenge is fascinating because it prompts us to ponder the numerous methods available to conceal information. It’s surprising how even the most basic file can encompass a multitude of secrets. Let me present the challenge: Overview and…

Natas – OvertheWire Writeup [OTW]

natas overthewire

Introduction Check out the complete walkthrough for all the Natas CTF challenges, ranging from 1 to 34. Note that as of July 5, 2020, Challenge 34 is still in progress and considered a placeholder. Natas is an exciting web application…

picoCTF – Wave a Flag

Wave a Flag picoCTF

Introduction Question: Can you invoke help flags for a tool or binary? This program has extraordinarily helpful information… Files: warm Overview & Solving Approach: After downloading the file running the command file warm shows it as an executable file. When we try…