Scan Surprise | PicoCTF 2024
I got this photo after unziping the file and I scanned this photo : And I got the flag
I got this photo after unziping the file and I scanned this photo : And I got the flag
Introduction Topic – Forensics | | | 50 points This challenge requires combining various skills such as grep, googling, and executing a script. In this post, I will share my…
Introduction This blog talks about how to solve the GET aHEAD challenge, which is one of the tasks in the picoCTF Web Exploitation section. Solution Here’s what you need to…
Introduction Hello there, Welcome back in this post, let’s see how to CTF stonks from picoCTF. If you have any doubt, comment down below 👇🏾 I wanted to do something…
Introduction Question: There is a nice program that you can talk to by using this command in a shell: $ nc mercury.picoctf.net 49039, but it doesn’t speak English… Overview and Solving…
Introduction PicoCTF’s Information challenge is fascinating because it prompts us to ponder the numerous methods available to conceal information. It’s surprising how even the most basic file can encompass a…